Data Deletion
Protecting your privacy is a top priority for us. If you wish to have specific data associated with your account removed, this page outlines the straightforward process to request the deletion of your personal information.
If you wish to request the deletion of specific data associated with your account or personal information, please follow the steps below:
Access your account using your credentials.
Once logged in, go to your account settings or a dedicated data management section.
Look for the option to submit a data deletion request and provide details on the specific data or information you want to be deleted.
For security purposes, we may ask you to verify your identity. Follow the provided instructions to complete the verification process.
Once your request is processed and verified, you will receive a confirmation email. The specified data will be permanently deleted from our records.
Your privacy matters to us, and we are dedicated to providing a transparent and user-friendly process for managing your data. If you have any concerns or further inquiries, feel free to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for being a part of Amazing Batangas.
Our standard data retention policy ensures that your information is kept only for the necessary duration. Specific requests for data deletion are handled promptly.
We adhere to all relevant data protection laws and regulations. Certain data may be retained for compliance purposes.
If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the data deletion process, please contact our support team.
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